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15 best financial sites and apps

Smart new websites and apps that will change the way you save, shop, bank, invest and more.

Bank without the fees

best in financial tech simple
  • Company: Simple
  • Cost: Free
  • Platform: Online, iOS, Android

With bank customers growing tired of rising fees and complicated fine print, Josh Reich decided to simplify things.

He launched an alternative to mainstream banking that is mobile and online-only -- with no branches or branded ATMs. That keeps costs low, allowing it to charge zero monthly fees and provide a network of 55,000 free ATMs to customers.

Accounts are currently available by invitation only. But all you need to do to get invited is request an account via the bank's website. Since sending out its first invitation in July of last year, Simple has gained more than 65,000 customers and processes more than $1.5 billion in transactions each year.

Along with basic banking features, Simple offers budgeting tools that rival those of veteran site, Mint. The tools automatically categorize your spending and lets you create and save for goals like a car, computer or vacation.

Last month, the bank unveiled MoneyDrop, where customers can transfer money to any customer who is nearby -- like the friend you're splitting the dinner bill with. -- B.E.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated January 03 2014 07:18 PM ET

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