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How I found a job after graduation

These seven recent college grads bucked employment trends and landed great jobs after graduation. Here's how they did it.

Face-to-face interaction is critical

college jobs dagoberto garcia

Dagoberto Garcia, 27
College: St. Edward's University
Degree: Master of Liberal Arts
Current job: Event planner for Workers Assistance Program in Austin

How I got my job: I struggled after undergrad. I worked in coffee shops and bookstores, but I was able to use the networks I gained while working those jobs. Someone that works here informed me of an upcoming position and encouraged me to apply.

I love my job and I want to be here for a long time.

Any advice for current students and recent grads: Because of our reliance on technology, email, texts and social media we forget how important face-to-face contact is. The ability to sell yourself face-to-face and eye-to-eye with people who are going to determine your future is critical.

Don't be completely utilitarian; it's more than "what can you do for me?" Relationships work both ways. See how you can help others.

  @ANJ0817 - Last updated June 20 2013 01:50 PM ET

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