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How I found a job after graduation

These seven recent college grads bucked employment trends and landed great jobs after graduation. Here's how they did it.

In-person communication and confidence

college jobs kristi bielewicz

Kristi Bielewicz, 22
College: Arizona State University
Degree: Bachelors in Communications
Current job: Content developer at Zion & Zion

How I got my job: I started out as an intern and was offered a job after graduation. I love the people I work with and the agency's feel. I get to interact with everyone at the agency; we bounce ideas off of each other.

Advice for current students and recent grads: In-person communication is vital. You have to be confident and you have to own it.

Get an internship, it doesn't matter if it's paid or unpaid. If you don't have experience on your resume you are going to be put to the bottom of the pile. You might not get your dream job out of college -- you have to be open to the idea of working your way up.

  @ANJ0817 - Last updated June 20 2013 01:50 PM ET

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