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Inside a meth lab cleanup

From testing to removing carpets and insulation, here's what it takes to rid a home of the toxic chemicals left behind after someone has cooked meth in a home.

Testing for meth

meth lab test
During a meth contamination test, a sample is taken on a cabinet.

To find out if a home is contaminated, homeowners can buy test kits for about $55 from Meth Lab Cleanup and other companies. If test results are positive, then homeowners can hire a professional testing and remediation firm to determine the scope of the problem.

The company will take wipe samples in various parts of the house. Testing the whole house usually runs between $500 and $700 but can cost more for larger homes and more complicated jobs.

The cleanup can run from a couple thousand dollars to $10,000 or more. Some homes have been so badly contaminated that owners choose to demolish the home instead.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated February 12 2013 10:29 AM ET

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