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Best home deals in the Best Places

Buy a home in one of Money's Best Places to Live for as much as $200,000 off.

Sherwood, Ore.

1 2 2
  • Price now: $399,000
  • Price cut: $30,000
  • Beds and baths: 4 and 4

This large home's weathered shingle siding reflects the climate of this Portland suburb, where cloudy days often outnumber sunny ones.

The frequent precipitation helps the lush green gardens on this two-acre property thrive, however. There are fruit trees, berries and raised beds for a kitchen garden.

Inside, there is a wood stove to warm you up, as well as skylights to let the sunshine in. There's also wood-paneled ceilings and pantries. There are 3 bedrooms on the upper level and,on the lower level, there's even a place for mom, with a separate in-law suite with its own bedroom, kitchen, living room and bath.

Buyers should note that this home will need some cosmetic work and a new roof.

For further information: Trulia

  @CNNMoney - Last updated August 12 2013 11:38 AM ET

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