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Best home deals in the Best Places

Buy a home in one of Money's Best Places to Live for as much as $200,000 off.

Apex, N.C.

1 2 2
  • Price now: $349,900
  • Price cut: $145,100
  • Beds and baths: 3 and 1.5

This pre-Civil War clapboard home is just around the corner from Apex's historic district, a lively collection of stores holding mostly mom and pop businesses.

The exterior of this home boasts neoclassic flourishes, such as the triangular pediment supported by square Tuscan columns. There's also a deep front porch and a white picket fence.

Inside, are faux-marble columns, wide baseboard moldings, antique heart-of-pine floors and other nice touches. There's work to be done, however, including a kitchen renovation, which is reflected in the steep price cut since the home was first listed.

For further information: Trulia

  @CNNMoney - Last updated August 12 2013 11:38 AM ET

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