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American Dream homes: Prices in 10 cities

How much does the American Dream home cost? From $2 million in Los Altos, Calif., to $65,000 in Cleveland, here's what you'll pay for a 4-bedroom, 2-bath house, according to Coldwell Banker's annual survey.

Park Forest, Ill.

american dream home park forest illinois
  • Average listing price: $76,000
  • This home: $95,000

Park Forest was initially built as a place for servicemen to settle down after they came home from the war. Once those men moved on to corporate jobs, it became a thriving suburb of Chicago.

The local economy stagnated during the recession, however, and the town's unemployment rate is still a couple of percentage points above the national rate.

As a result, today's home buyers will find an attractive community with affordable homes.

This two-story home of more than 2,000 square feet has five bedrooms and sits on a corner lot -- a relative steal at $95,000.

For further information: Trulia

Source: Coldwell Banker 2014 Home Listing Report
  @CNNMoney - Last updated November 18 2014 06:16 PM ET

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