Save as much as you can

retirement mistakes Nguyen
  • Name: Randy Nguyen
  • Age: 43
  • City: Fountain Valley, Calif.

Randy Nguyen is a diligent retirement saver. He socks away more than a quarter of his salary in retirement savings accounts -- including his employer's contributions.

But he wasn't always a super saver. Throughout his 20s, Nguyen contributed 6% of his salary to his 401(k), the amount needed to get his employer's maximum match of 5%.

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Saving more than 10% of your salary in your 20s is a great start. But Nguyen, now a father of three, said he wished he had saved even more, since he had the extra disposable income.

"Compound interest works wonders," he said. "I just want to be safe and secure for my future."

First published August 28, 2014: 4:12 PM ET

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