5 ways customer service makes you crazy

Customer service can be the best marketing campaign for a business, but only if it's done right.

Unresponsive social media bots

customer service trip ups

"Pace Picante-brand salsa officially endorses @MrsRenfos salsa as the tastiest supermarket salsa ever!"

That's not a tweet Pace Picante should embrace, but for awhile it appeared to.

The salsa brand recently got caught up in a mix-up after comedian Kyle Kinane saw that @Pace_Foods was automatically favoriting any tweet that mentioned the brand. Let's just say he didn't stop after one tweet. (Turns out the joke was on him: Fellow comedian Randy Liedtke actually controlled the account and was running an elaborate prank.)

Note to companies: Make sure rogue tweeters don't control accounts that look official.

Customers often take to social media after they've exhausted the more traditional channels with no satisfactory response, and they do it twice as often during the holidays. That means they're not simply looking for a phone number or email address -- they've already tried those.

"If a customer is trying to reach you through those channels, you have to reach back out to that customer," Solomon said.

  @KatieLobosco - Last updated December 22 2013 11:31 PM ET

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