Tech to prevent sports injuries

  • Business: Axelo
  • Location: Austin, Texas

Axelo uses 3D motion-sensing technology to help prevent injuries while playing sports and among the elderly. CEO Pierre A. Touma answered our questions via email.

Why the community rallied behind the business: "Everyone can relate to the need of a child being able to play sports safely and we all have aging parents who need to be safe while remaining independent and mobile," Touma wrote.

Biggest challenge: "The weak state of the economy in the years starting with 2008 was a major challenge," he said. "Also, widespread awareness regarding the risks associated with sports, such as traumatic brain injury, was weak."

What he plans to do with the grant money: "Axelo will be building a market-ready prototype for its traumatic brain injury and sports performance solution to be tested in a pilot program for the high school and college levels," Touma said. They also plan to develop a fall-detection product for nursing homes.

First published January 21, 2014: 10:31 AM ET
Nearly 35,000 small businesses from all 50 states submitted applications for consideration to receive a $250,000 grant from Chase and a trip to Google headquarters. More than 1.7 million people voted; businesses that received at least 250 votes continued onto the judging phase, where a panel of 12 judges selected these 12 businesses.

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