Table of Contents:VOL. 159, NO. 1 - January 19, 2009 COVER STORY
 Sending Wall Street to jail An angry mob of burned investors is assembling, and they want to see some executives heads on spikes. The question for the courts will be, Who was just being foolish with our money - and who was lying, cheating and stealing? By Roger Parloff FEATURES
 AIG: The company that came to dinner In a scenario reminiscent of an old Hollywood classic, a deeply distressed insurance giant is turning into a guest the federal government can't get rid of. By Carol J. Loomis
Bob Iger rocks Disney In revitalizing the Magic Kingdon, the CEO has built a compelling case that integreated cross-platform media leviathans like Disney still make sense in the Digital Age. By Richard Siklos
Get the best out of your business in bad times There's no script for running a company in a historic downturn. So what the heck do you do? Here are ten ways to weather the storm. By Geoff Colvin
Saving Easter Island Nine hundred years ago, the residents of Easter Island committed ecocide. Now an unlikely trio are banding together to stop history from repeating itself. By Jeffrey M. O'Brien FIRST
52-week high With medical marijuana initiatives gaining support across the country and abundant harvest in Northern California, the pot business is booming. By Jeffrey M. O'Brien
Blue-chip all-stars suit up Who's available for the big jobs in 2009? By Scott Cendrowski
Reinventing the incubator A Silicon Alley veteran gives a '90s model a makeover. By Jessi Hempel
Farallon erects golden gates A major hedge fund tells skittish investors to sit tight. By Adam Lashinsky
Winners and losers in law business By Telis Demos
The deal Don't blame the SEC. By Allan Sloan
Question authority Google CEO Eric Schmidt wishes he could rescue newspapers. By Adam Lashinsky
Value driven A CEO masters micro-credit. By Geoff Colvin
Will Madoff's minions get hard time? There may be trouble for the financier's conduits. By Telis Demos TECHNOLOGY
Nokia's North American problem To stay No. 1 in cellphones, Nokia has to take on Apple and RIM on their home turf. So far it hasn't got a foothold. By Jessi Hempel
How to give your PC a Mac-over By Jia Lynn Yang
Life after iPhone What will AT&T do for an encore? By Jon Fortt
Can iPhones go corporate? By Jon Fortt
Techland Web 2.0 is so over. Welcome to Web 3.0. By Jessi Hempel LIFE AT THE TOP
Out-of-the-box offices Three very different leaders show how less is more in workspace design. By David A. Keeps INVESTING IN A CRISIS
 John Neff goes bargain hunting In a battered market, the former Windsor fund manager is finding stocks that meet his strict value standards. By Eugenia Levenson
Breaking views When the markets crashed, a whole intellectual edifice fell with them. New economic ideas are needed. By Edward Hadas | |
Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|