Table of Contents:VOL. 159, NO. 3 - February 16, 2009 COVER STORY
 The new jobless Could this be you? The recession is throwing millions out of work. What the new jobless class can tell you about what it's like out there. By Jennifer Reingold with Joan Caplin and Beth Kowitt FEATURES
 Divorce, Bank of America style Ken Lewis was happy as a bridegroom when he swooped in to buy Merrill Lynch. Now he has ditched John Thain and is struggling to make the deal work. By Shawn Tully
The world according to TARP Four months and $314 billion into the federal government's attempt to stabilize the financial system, Fortune looks at where your money has gone and whether the recipients are healthy. By Jia Lynn Yang
The most wanted man on the planet Fired as chief of Viacom, Tom Freston took off on a nonstop global adventure. These days he's helping Oprah to start a new TV network and Bono to save the world. A visit with America's most restless former CEO. By Patricia Sellers
Galbraith on the crash... it has a familiar ring James Galbraith picks up the argument for government intervention where his father left off. His prescription: spend now, spend a lot, and spend some more. By Pat Regnier FIRST
Ski bum The $10 billion North American ski and snowboard business holds its breath every winter. By Michael V. Copeland and Alyssa Abkowitz
Obama outfitters miss out The president's suitmaker files for Chapter 11. By Eugenia Levenson
Shovel-ready battles Building-materials lobbies butt heads. By Telis Demos
The deal Geithner's redemption. By Allan Sloan
TARP cop, ready to fight Taxpayers' new advocate, Elizabeth Warren. By Jia Lynn Yang
Value driven A recession of biblical proportions. By Geoff Colvin
Mini-masters of the new universe Smaller i-banks see their moment. By Telis Demos
Marketing Facebook tries to sell its friends again. By Suzanne Kapner
World's most admired companies Fluor's corporate crime fighter. By Mina Kimes TECHNOLOGY
Supertech has met its match Technology helped pull the U.S. out of the last few recessions. Not this time. By Jessi Hempel
WiMax's last best hope The technology works, but does the business model? By Jon Fortt
The Russians are coming Moscow-based online-search company Yandex is opening offices in Google's backyard. By Julia Ioffe LIFE AT THE TOP
My museum, myself A cultivated crop of businesspeople are building the ultimate status symbol: museums to house their art collections. By Peter Gumbel
Road warrior Guitarist and singer John Bell. By Hank Gilman
Book review Mind over matter. By Daniel Okrent INVESTING IN A CRISIS
Dividends you can count on We looked for stocks that will deliver regular payouts while you wait for a recovery. By Eugenia Levenson
A housing rebound? Investors are bidding up homebuilder stocks, but a longtime bear sees no sign of a turnaround in 2009. By Mina Kimes FORTUNE INTERNATIONAL
 Asia businessman of the year Suntech's Shi Zhengrong built one of the world's biggest solar companies. Now, with economies slowing, he faces the challenge of a lifetime. By Bill Powell | |
Teen retailer's results also hurt by falling sales, gross margins. |more|