FORTUNE's annual ranking of America's leading businesswomen

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6 of 50
6. Patricia Woertz
Patricia Woertz
Chairman and CEO
2011 rank: 3
Age: 59
With a drought in the U.S. causing corn supplies -- and profits -- to shrink, the Archer Daniels Midland CEO could have a tough year. But Woertz has worked to expand the company's global footprint; it now operates in 160 countries and expects to add an export terminal in Brazil to increase grain exports.
From the October 8, 2012 issue
13 global newcomers

These additions to the International Power 50 are women on the rise

Fortune's Most Powerful Women
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How we pick the Power 50
The list is compiled by FORTUNE editors, who consider four criteria: the size and importance of the woman's business in the global economy, the health and direction of the business, the arc of the woman's career (resume and runway ahead), and societal and cultural influence.
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