Fortune's new book: Amazing tales of scandal that shocked the world
For almost 80 years, one of Fortune’s strong suits has been in-depth reporting on the rogues of the business world. In a new book, Scandal!, Fortune offers 20 tales drawn from the pages of the magazine on modern history’s greatest business scandals - and how they went on to shape the modern economy.
In the late 1920s, Ivar Kreuger was known as the savior of Europe. A month after his death in 1932, he was known as its greatest swindler. Read the 1933 excerpt from Archibald MacLeish’s story in Scandal! More
By James Bandler and Nicholas Varchaver
Bernie is behind bars, and he isn't talking. But a special interactive report from Fortune and FlypMedia explores the secrets of his massive swindle. more
How well do you know your business-scandal rogues? Take this test to see if you qualify for a lush tax haven or the bottom bunk in Bernie Madoff's cell. more
Scandal videos
Far from the glitz of Manhattan, families are reeling from the Madoff scheme. Play