Best jobs for saving the world

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2. Nonprofit Program Coordinator

best jobs, jobs helping others, program coordinator
Median pay: $40,500
Top pay: $57,900
10-year job growth: 12%
Total jobs: 100,000
The job: Developing programs and overseeing staff and volunteers for a cause you believe in can be deeply satisfying. With nonprofit payrolls lean, you can take on more responsibility than you had in your former career and develop new skills. Hiring in this sector is bouncing back. Job postings on hit a record high of 10,000 this summer.

How to switch: Financial and management skills you learned in the corporate world can translate well. Serving on a charity board or volunteering can pave the way.

Quality of life ratings:
Personal satisfaction Benefit to society Low stress Flexibility

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Do Nonprofit Program Coordinators have great jobs, or what?
From the November 2011 issue
Notes: All pay data from Median pay is for an experienced worker (at least two to seven years in the field). Top pay represents the 90th percentile. Job growth is estimated for 2008-18. Total current employment level is estimated number of people working in each specific job.

Sources:, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and MONEY research

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Using Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts for 7,000 titles, MONEY and compensation experts identified jobs requiring a bachelor's degree that have strong growth prospects, and eliminated any with fewer than 10,000 positions nationwide, plus those requiring advanced degrees that take more than three years. More

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