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Auburn is a serious college town, for all the good and bad that brings. Football is the sport of choice, and games regularly draw tens of thousands of fans from around the country. The small downtown area has a surprising amount of variety and vibrance. On the downside, the population in some areas skews very young, and petty crime isn't unheard of. -- L.M.
*County data
* Due to erroneous job, cost-of-living, and test score stats for a small number of places, this city was mistakenly included in the top 100 on an earlier version of the list.
Due to an error by our data provider, an earlier version listed incorrect stats for this city's number of colleges.
(I) Income tax notes:
For joint returns, taxes are twice the tax on half the couple�s income. In Alabama, the per-dependent exemption is $1,000 for taxpayers with state AGI of $20,000 or less, $500 with AGI from $20,001 to $100,000, and $300 with AGI over $100,000.
(II) Sales tax notes:
Most of Birmingham is located within Jefferson County and is subject to a 10 percent sales tax. However, part of the city lies in Shelby County and is subject to a total rate of 9 percent.
Using statistics from data services company Onboard Informatics, we crunched the numbers in order to zero in on America's best small cities for families. (Last year, we looked at small towns, with populations between 8,500 and 50,000.)