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Median pay: $87,200 Top pay: $122,000 10-year job growth: 30.6% Total jobs*: 110,800
What they do all day?
It's no understatement to say that corporate America is in the middle of an information explosion. Somebody has to keep track of it all. A database administrator (DBA) minds all the data in a company's storehouse, keeps it safe and makes sure it's easily accessible.
How to get the job?
A degree in computer science is recommended, followed by years of experience. Many employers require certification in the most widely used programs, including MySQL, Oracle and DB2. And since the technology is always changing, re-training is a constant.
What makes it great?
More data means more opportunities — DBAs are among the top-growing jobs on our list. They also command high paychecks, compared even to other tech jobs.
What's the catch?
The job requires long periods in front of the computer -- especially during crunch times for big projects. And computers crash. Be prepared to come in late at night or on weekends when things go wrong.
Quality of life ratings:
Personal satisfaction
Low stress
Benefit to society
Published: October 29, 2012
Notes: All pay data from Median pay is for an experienced worker (at least five or seven years in the field). Top pay represents the 90th percentile. Job growth is estimated for 2010-20, and based on people working in broader 'job family' from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
*Total jobs is estimated number of people working in broader BLS 'job family.', Bureau of Labor Statistics, and CNNMoney research
Do Database Administrators have great jobs, or what?
It's still a tough job market out there, so when CNNMoney and set out to find America's Best Jobs this year, first and foremost we looked for professions that offer great growth opportunities.