Test your current capacity to love change with this quiz. (more)
Do you have the political savvy to scale the executive ranks? The following quiz should give you a clue. (more)
A psychologist says whether you take all the credit (or blame) when things go well (or badly) means a lot for you and how best to motivate your team. Answer the following 6 questions, and see how you score. (more)

Quiz: What's Your EQ at Work?

EQ, the social equivalent of IQ, is complex, in no small part because it depends on some pretty slippery variables -- including your innate compatibility, or lack thereof, with the people who happen to be your co-workers. But if you want to get a rough idea of how your EQ stacks up, this quiz from Daniel Goleman, author of Working With Emotional Intelligence (Bantam, $25.95), will help. As honestly as you can, estimate how you rate in the eyes of peers, bosses, and subordinates on each of the following traits. Answering these 25 questions will allow you to rate your social skills and self-awareness:

22 of 25
Score so far: NaN of 84 points
22. I can change tactics quickly when circumstances change.
  • Strongly Agree       Strongly Disagree

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