3 of 5
Dodge & Cox International Stock (DODFX)
1-year return: -4.1%
5-year return: 24.6%
Expense ratio: 0.65%
ETF alternative: Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US

For non-U.S. exposure, Dodge and Cox International Stock also focuses on large companies and keeps turnover and costs low with a 0.65% expense ratio. Launched in 2001, it boasts a 25% average annual five-year return, which puts it in the top 2% of its category. "They've shown a very sound ability to pick the right stocks in the right areas," says Morningstar's Gregg Wolper. Investors seeking an ETF with similar country composition, especially in emerging markets, should consider Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US.

NEXT: Royce Pennsylvania Mutual (PENNX)
Last updated June 20 2008: 2:34 PM ET
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