Name some business leaders you admire.
McCain The ones I admire the most are those that have been on the leading edge of the information technology revolution. Bill Gates, obviously, springs to mind. Paul Allen. Of course we all admire Warren Buffett but not so much for his innovation but his talent for making a lot of people rich, including him. I admire - probably the role model to all of us who share our [free market] philosophy is Milton Friedman. Milton Friedman is the lodestone of thinking of the people I admire and respect the most.
Obama Warren Buffett is one of my favorite people. He's been advising, not just on taxes, but also during the housing crisis. Obviously, he's somebody I turn to. I got to know [JP Morgan Chase CEO] Jamie Dimon quite well when he was in Chicago. He's a very smart person and I think he's doing his best to manage his bank under difficult circumstances. Steve Jobs is somebody who is an example of the kind of entrepreneurial spirit that we have to build on as part of what makes America such a great country. So listening to him and think about how to be that successful and nimble in the current global environment has been very instructive.
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Last updated June 25 2008: 12:02 PM ET