Founder Scott Cook, now head of the executive committee, offers his tips for getting the most of out NPS:
Organize customers' feedback: Calculating an NPS score is simple. The hard part is making the customer comments easily accessible and understandable. Intuit uses a searchable database of its myriad NPS surveys, but even a simple spreadsheet can help you identify patterns in customer responses.
Use promoters for marketing: When crafting a promotional message, Intuit often looks to comments from customers who are so happy with the product that they recommend it to others. The copy on TurboTax packaging now stresses ease of use, a benefit that was repeatedly voiced in NPS surveys.
Embrace your detractors: Intuit has created online forums where its software designers float ideas, hoping to get feedback from the company's best customers. It routinely invites detractors to join those forums as well. Most are flattered, according to Cook, and 13% of those invited join.