Est. quarterly earnings growth: 50%
Est. full-year earnings growth: 60%
With global demand for crude oil soaring, most energy companies are faring well. Accordingly, analysts estimate Hess' earnings per share will come in at $2.53 this quarter, up from $1.70 last year. But it's Hess' excellent prospects for long-term growth that separate it from the rest of the pack.
In late December, Hess detailed drilling plans for a highly anticipated oil field off Brazil's shores, in which Hess secured a 40% stake. Energy analysts believe it could be the largest oil discovery in 50 years.
Although some oil companies have been accused of not using enough of their record profits on drilling and exploration, Hess has aggressively looked for new oil wells. And while most oil company's finds don't pan out -- especially in huge exploratory wells like the one in Brazil, analysts think Hess has a very good chance at striking oil because of their top-notch research.
"Hess goes for the home run instead of the singles, but its seismology and geology are so good that they have a better chance of striking oil than other companies," said fund manager Arieh Coll of Eaton Vance Management, which runs a fund with Hess as its top holding.
NEXT: Symantec
Last updated June 20 2008: 12:23 PM ET