On certain rare occasions a car company can produce a model that many people find unattractive and yet, somehow, it ends up finding a large market.
For some reason, it just didn't work for the Aztek. Introduced in 2001, it's still regarded as simply a hideous odd-ball. Those who own them do love them for their undeniable utility but most car shoppers avoided the Aztek. Over its five-year production run, just 115,000 were sold.
After this, Pontiac returned to a safer design scheme that made the cars largely indistinguishable from one another but for the size. A pavement scorching Pontiac GTO looked very much like a tame Pontiac G6. Lack of any real brand identity, aside from vague aspirations to "performance", choked off the brand's value. GM announced recently it was killing off the Pontiac brand.
NEXT: Saturn L-series