A taste of luxury, at very little cost
No cash for a renovation? Five small ways to improve your home for under $500.
Like all good things, every shower must come to an end. That's a lot easier to take if there's a warm towel waiting for you. A unit such as the Traditional Towel Warmer at bedbathandbeyond.com ($160) can be mounted on the wall or stand by itself on the floor. And it uses less power than a light bulb.
Tools: a stud finder and power drill (if you're hanging it from a wall).
Time to do the job: about an hour.
NEXT: Organize closet clutter
Tools: a stud finder and power drill (if you're hanging it from a wall).
Time to do the job: about an hour.
NEXT: Organize closet clutter
Last updated April 24 2009: 5:54 AM ET