I am self-employed. I wash windows, do yard work, and have delusions about being a viable artist.
No surprise, I don't have any health insurance. Not only that, but work is slim this year, and I am pushing 50. Luckily for me, I work hard for a living and can't afford to eat out, resulting in regular exercise and a good diet. I believe there is a lack of personal responsibility on the part of individuals for their own health, and even less responsibility to use health resources with any prudence.
But if something bad happens, I will not be able to make good on my responsibility to pay the medical personnel who will help me. There is no way a laborer can pay for any serious health care in this nation.
I do not think that the problem is that I do not have insurance; I think the problem is working people can not afford to pay outright for basic, expected, predictable health costs.
My thoughts on universal health care: I absolutely do not believe that universal health care is the answer. In fact, it will make matters worse. Seriously, folks. Raise your hand if you actually think the government running anything will make it cheaper?
NEXT: Lisa Marie Cabrera: $0 (employer covers)