Zach Kwarta had applied for more than 65 jobs in sales, technology and other fields, with no luck. So he applied to the master's program for information technology at DePaul University in his hometown of Chicago.
But a few weeks after Kwarta started school, a Web design firm offered him a project manager position in Washington, D.C. He took the job and plans to continue his studies at DePaul through online courses after hours.
"It's been a little overwhelming," Kwarta said. "But I'm so excited. I found my dream job, and I'm glad I got into school when I did, because otherwise I probably wouldn't be working toward my master's."
Kwarta has yet to "settle all the details," of his move to D.C. But the logistics problems pale in comparison to his previous employment troubles.
"I am so relieved to have certainty and direction back in my life," Kwarta said. "I have a plan and I can enjoy life again. I'm very happy and very grateful for everything that's happened to me."
NEXT: Whitney Wise - Employed