Kathleen Smith wears many hats working with seniors.
% who say their job is stressful: 67%
The hardest part of caring for elderly or disabled adults in assisted living is not just coordinating meals and activities, or overseeing care and cleanliness, but also meeting residents' every need, even if that means playing the roll of concierge on occasion.
"Our oldest resident is 101," said Kathleen Smith, the director of Silverado Senior Living in Escondido, Calif. "She comes down at least once a week to make sure she's paid her bill and see if she needs reservations for dinner because she thinks she's at a hotel."
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Last updated October 29 2009: 4:28 PM ET
Source: PayScale.com.
How Payscale.com defined high stress and low pay jobs: Starting from a database of over 2000 jobs, Payscale used data from over 36,000 respondents who ranked their jobs for quality of life factors, and chose those requiring a bachelor's degree or higher where the national median pay is less than $65,000. The survey was conducted between Aug 10, 2009 and Oct. 1, 2009.
How Payscale.com defined high stress and low pay jobs: Starting from a database of over 2000 jobs, Payscale used data from over 36,000 respondents who ranked their jobs for quality of life factors, and chose those requiring a bachelor's degree or higher where the national median pay is less than $65,000. The survey was conducted between Aug 10, 2009 and Oct. 1, 2009.