After being laid off from his advertising sales job in June 2008, Tom Keevers went through his savings, maxed out his credit cards, traded in his car for a used one, and borrowed money from family. That's how he managed to survive while he was getting $500 a week in unemployment benefits.
But as of late March, he is no longer getting an unemployment check. So he's going to have to make some more drastic decisions.
"Now it's not looking good," he said. "I don't know where my next mortgage payment is coming from."
Unable to turn to family again for help, Keevers said he will likely have to put his condo up for sale. He's resisted this step since the housing market in his area is weak.
This uncertainty is making his job hunt that much more difficult.
"As long as I could keep my place, I had stability so I could go out and search for work," Keevers said.
NEXT: Doesn't know where to turn