A 1,700-square-foot, 4-bed, 2-bath house in Harrisburg, S.D., is going for $169,900.
Population: 41,218
Growth rate since April 2000: 70.7%
Lincoln County is a fast grower with a difference: Unlike most of its booming brethren, Lincoln butts up against Sioux Falls, the state's biggest city, rather than being a distant suburb. South Dakota's population had been stagnant for many years, remaining under 700,000 from the 1930 until the 2000 census. The state's population has surged about 7.6% since 2000.
Sioux Falls has grown rapidly in the post-war era, tripling in population since 1950. The overage has seeped over the border to the northern Lincoln County towns, such as Shindler and Harrisburg, according to a Lincoln County Commission spokeswoman.
The South Dakota economy has performed well, with the unemployment rate in the Sioux Falls metro area standing at 4.5% in April, the fourth lowest rate in the United States.
The housing market has been very steady: The county experienced little boom or bust. Consequently, foreclosures have been rare. There was just a single bank repossession recorded in May, according to RealtyTrac.
NEXT: Paulding County Ga.
Last updated June 21 2010: 1:03 PM ET