2. Quiznos

Number of SBA loans : 2,019
Total dispersed: $291.7 million
Average loan size: $144,458
Failure rate: 25%
The shop known for its toasted subs looks like a riskier investment than its formidable competition, Subway: One in four franchise owners was unable to make good on their SBA-backed loan. Quiznos recently settled four class-action suits brought by its franchisees, agreeing to pay as much as $100 million to end years of wrangling over its pricing, royalties and fees.
The typical startup fee for a new Quiznos franchise is $25,000, but in an effort to add stores to its 5,000-member army, Quiznos announced last week that it would slash that upfront cost to $5,000 for entrepreneurs who already have restaurant management experience.