The LinkedIn Makeover
Many people treat LinkedIn more like a digital resume than a new way to connect with others. We invited 8 readers to a virtual makeover from Aaron Bronzan, LinkedIn's associate product manager.

Title: Director
Company: Misnomer Dance Theater
With a large network of connections and his use of LinkedIn's Applications platform to highlight his dance theater's blog, Chris is on his way to a great profile.
Problems: the density of his Summary section.While it's thorough, it contains a lot of information that may be better suited for the actual profile body. Adding a description under his listed position as Founder of the Audience Engagement Platform, as opposed to including that in the middle of the Summary section would enable profile viewers to better understand his role as a visionary in his field.
Similarly, a digestible list of accomplishments and duties under Chris's long-standing role as a creative director would help viewers get a better sense of his thriving career.
NEXT: Bill Brazell