20 highest-paid CEOs
These lucky corporate chiefs took home the most pay in 2010. Some saw their compensation more than double — even triple! — from a year earlier.

Company: Viacom (VIAB)
Cash compensation: $14 million
Stock and options: $70.5 million
Total compensation 1-yr. change: 149%
NEXT: Ray R. Irani: $76.1 million
Last updated April 12 2011: 11:02 AM ET
All data represents the nine month period ending September 30, 2010. Company's fiscal year end is Sept. 30.
Total compensation is calculated as the sum of base salary, discretionary and performance-based cash bonuses, the grant-date fair value for stock and option awards during the fiscal year, and other compensation like benefits and perks. Stock performance represents the total shareholder return for the twelve months ending December 31, 2010 unless otherwise noted. Equilar, an executive compensation research firm, looked only at CEOs at the top 199 largest public U.S. companies as measured by revenue. Pay data based on companies' fiscal year end of Dec. 2010 unless otherwise noted.