"I didn't know family medicine existed until I went to medical school. I didn't understand why I couldn't go to my pediatrician after I turned 17. Family physicians take care of everybody, all ages and at all stages of health. That hit home.
"In my class of 280 students, only 15 want to pursue family medicine. It's really difficult knowing that some students could be really good primary care doctors but they're not choosing it.
"Health reform has helped in some aspects but we need more change. Right now, our medical care system is fragmented. But the [patient centered] medical home model is really attractive to physicians who want to collaborate together on a patient's care because it brings primary care physicians and specialists in one setting.
"Health reform has helped ease anxiety about potential earnings because of new loan forgiveness and other programs. You can earn $3 million more in a lifetime in a specialty. Even so, primary care doctors are among top 5% of income earners in the country."
NEXT: Diana Tucci