Company: TRVL
Location: Netherlands
Rising costs for paper, a decline in advertising, and fewer subscribers, have translated to hard times for the magazine industry.
But the iPad changed all that, introducing a new medium on which to publish content. TRVL, a Netherlands-based, English-language magazine covering travel spots around the globe, was the first to provide content only to iPad users. It debuted about a year ago.
"The two of us started making our own magazine from the Netherlands with no real experience," said co-founder Michel Elings. "Now we have readers in 170 of the 193 official countries in the world. And our download numbers compete with the best performing magazines on tablet."
Launching TRVL has led to unique opportunities. It is the highest-rated consumer magazine on iPad, said Elings. In response to the enthusiasm, Elings updated the app with "a full redesign that includes all 25 'back issues' and added some better functionality with geolocation.
Our next goal is to go after the whole iOS platform: iPad, iPhone and Apple TV, as well as the Mac," he said.
NEXT: Cooking up profits