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Revolving door: Washington to Wall Street

Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor is headed to Wall Street. See who else has jumped the political ship for a lucrative career in finance.

Peter Orszag

  • Government Gigs: Director of the Congressional Budget Office; White House Budget Director for Barack Obama
  • Wall Street Career: Vice Chairman, Citigroup

As Obama's budget director, Orszag played a key role in shaping much of the President's first-term economic policy, including the controversial 2009 stimulus program.

But the allure of Wall Street was strong, and the numbers geek bailed on the administration in less than two years for a vice chairman role at Citigroup.

Of course, when it comes to pay, Orszag's decision wasn't rocket science. Despite the former policy wonk's best efforts to keep his Citi compensation private, court filings dug up by news outlets related to his recent divorce reveal that Orszag banked over $3 million from the firm last year and expects to bring home nearly $4 million this year.

  @JesseSolomonCNN - Last updated September 02 2014 02:54 PM ET

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