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America's 12 biggest companies now

In the past 6 years, giants like Exxon and Walmart have slid while tech companies have soared.

6.  Wells Fargo

wells fargo
  • Market cap: $299 billion
  • 2009 rank: 55

Wells Fargo (WFC) is one of those reliable banks that Americans go to for all kinds of financial activities -- from basic checking and savings accounts to mortgages.

Motley Fool even touts Wells Fargo as a "forever" stock because it serves basic needs more than other banks. The site says, "Customers deposit money into accounts, and then Wells Fargo lends the money to other customers at a higher interest rate"-- which makes it a safer bet.

  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated August 03 2015 11:35 AM ET

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