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America's 12 biggest companies now

In the past 6 years, giants like Exxon and Walmart have slid while tech companies have soared.

9.  General Electric

general electric hq
  • Market cap: $263 billion
  • 2009 rank: 24

Your house basically functions because of this century-old company.

General Electric (GE) invented the lightbulb, electric fan. If that doesn't impress you, this will-- it pioneered the technology for locomotives, jet engine and the MRI.

The diversified giant helps it keep its hits-and-misses in order. One slip-up is unlikely to drag the whole firm down.

The GE stock has been inching upwards because it's revenue and earnings have been strong.

Recently, there was much talk about the company's unlimited holidays policy.

  @CNNMoneyInvest - Last updated August 03 2015 11:35 AM ET

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