24.  Bain and Company

2017 top new grad employers

Hoping to be in the C-suite someday? Bain & Co. seeks to equip young professionals with the skills and contacts they'll need to lead significant organizations down the road, says Keith Bevans, Global Head of Recruiting.

To help associates grow personally and professionally, Bain fosters a culture of mentorship and maintains a strong alumni network, says Bevans. These relationships help consultants succeed at Bain -- or even find new jobs elsewhere, he says.

Many young Bain consultants spend time abroad, either via international transfers or four- to six-month externships at a company of their choice. Consultants at the firm are expected to make a measurable impact on clients. Solutions must be "100% implementable, not 100% theoretically possible," says Bevans.

Recruiters look for analytic capabilities, professional maturity, and leadership experience. Ideal candidates also have a sense of humility and strong people skills, says Bevans. --A.M.

First published June 30, 2017: 4:35 PM ET
Source: Data source: Universum Global
How we pick the Top Employers for New Grads: Think of it as a popularity contest for companies: Every year research firm Universum Global ranks the most desirable employers, based on where undergraduate students around the world say they'd most like to work after graduation. Rankings here are for business students. For engineering/IT rankings, see the full list. More

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