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Men in female-dominated jobs

Nursing, child care and administrative jobs are still dominated by women. Meet 8 men who are proud to work in these fields.

A man secretary, turned flight attendant

men in female jobs robert slogaski flight attendant gallery
  • Name: Robert Slogaski, 55
  • Place: Pittsburgh, Penn.

I have been in a predominantly female work environment all of my adult life.

I worked as a typist when I was 19 years old, and later, in 1978, I became a flight attendant.

At the time, very few males in the U.S. were employed as flight attendants. People didn't even know what word to use. The public was so used to saying "stewardess." It was a very difficult time, and I was stared at a lot.

Men entering the field changed a lot of things. For example, the women flight attendants used to have to share hotel rooms. Once the males started, that changed, and that's when most flight attendants started getting their own private rooms.

There are a lot of male flight attendants today, but most of my bosses have been women. I would encourage anybody to consider this job. I've learned so much, and I do travel a lot. It's been a really good career for me and I hope it continues to be.

  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated February 05 2013 09:57 AM ET

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