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I had 10 jobs before 25

In the search for the ideal job, these millennials job-hopped often in their teens and early twenties.

There's no such thing as job security

jessica walsh 10 jobs under 25

I just turned 24, and I have had well over 10 jobs already. It was more out of necessity than anything else.

I needed a job as I went though college, and I didn't know which direction I wanted to go.

I majored in film production, and in college I had a few different jobs, working as an English tutor in the lab, calling alumni for Penn State, and being a production assistant filming sporting events.

I didn't have that internship that turns into a job offer. I was job searching and scrambling, and the 2010 Census came up. I did that for a while, and then I went to work for the Hershey Company for a while.

Eventually, I moved out to Los Angeles because I was considering a career in the video field. I worked as a production assistant for NBC's The Voice for a while and then on a TV pilot. All of that work is very temporary though.

From my experience with all these jobs, I realized is there is no such thing as job security, and looking for a job is like a full-time job. All these uncertainties made me realize it was time for me to go on my own.

At 22, I founded YogiDance, a yoga program for children. It has its ups and downs like any small business, but it's been a great experience. I'm going to continue doing business ventures, and I could imagine myself being a serial entrepreneur.

Other jobs: production assistant for the film Unstoppable, cashier at a driving range, freelance writer, production assistant for Penn State Athletics, hula hoop instructor at Albright College

  @AnnalynKurtz - Last updated April 09 2013 07:56 AM ET

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