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9 surprising customer protests

Customers are protesting everything from the sexy makeover of a Disney princess to pet stores selling bunnies on Easter. Here are some of the more unexpected company petitions on from the past year.

An Easy-Bake Oven for boys

surprising company boycotts baking

After a 4-year old boy told his older sister he wanted an Easy-Bake Oven for Christmas, she was upset to learn that the only models available were pink or purple and pictured little girls on the packaging.

The 13-year-old activist took action. She launched a petition in December that asked Hasbro, the maker of Easy-Bake Oven, to create a gender neutral version of the product.

The petition drew 45,000 signatures and a lot of media attention. Hasbro then invited the girl to its headquarters and revealed its plans to introduce a silver and black model targeted at both boys and girls. Hasbro said it had been developing the new design over the previous 18 months. The oven goes on sale in September.

  @blakeellis3 - Last updated August 07 2013 06:03 AM ET

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