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Avoid splurges and save

best in financial tech earmark
  • Company: Earmark
  • Cost: Free
  • Platform: iOS

Aching to take a trip to Europe next year? With Earmark, every time you forgo buying a latte, taking a taxi or going out to dinner, you can place the money you would have spent on those splurges into an account earmarked for that vacation.

While some Earmark users actually transfer the money they would have spent on that taxi into their vacation savings account, most use it as a motivational tool. They simply record the amounts as a way of getting them to think more carefully about how much they could save toward bigger goals if they simply avoided little splurges each day.

Users can earmark up to five goals at a time, and you're alerted when you've set aside enough money for each.

So far, about 1,000 people are earmarking everything from power washers to PlayStations. -- B.E.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated January 03 2014 07:18 PM ET

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