'This is heaven'

homelessness terry hinton
  • Name: Terry Hinton
  • Age: 46

Terry Hinton says his life started spiraling downward two years ago when his parents died within six months of one another. Shortly afterward, the home they left him caught fire. And since Hinton was unable to insure the house, he lost it.

Even before his parents passed away, Hinton was struggling with addiction. He hasn't had a full-time job in more than 20 years. Instead, he has been taking whatever odd jobs he can get paid under the table.

While it's cold, Hinton has been staying at Joseph's House. Under the shelter's program, he wakes up at 5:30 a.m. and then volunteers at a soup kitchen from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. to stay warm and busy. Then he comes back to the shelter for dinner and to sleep.

"This is heaven, somewhere where you can eat, you can take a shower, somewhere where you can lay your head," he said.

First published February 12, 2014: 7:58 PM ET

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