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Best apps for taming your bills

Keep tabs on your financial accounts with one of these free tools.

Best for bill paying

taming bills check


How it works: To pay bills from your mobile device, try Check.

The app tracks your accounts, showing you how many days until each is due and allowing you to pay now or schedule a payment.

Check boils your bills down to what you owe and when, making it easy to use on a small screen.

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The app's main page clearly displays your bank balance and the sum of pending bills. Its simple design lets you get a read on your finances even at a brief glance, says Mark Schwanhausser, a director of financial services at Javelin Strategy & Research.

The downside: You'll need to plan ahead: Payments made with Check take two to five days to process.

Platforms: iOS, Android

An earlier version of this story included Manilla, but the service has announced that it will shut down July 1.
  @CNNMoney - Last updated July 14 2014 03:37 PM ET

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