3. Oklahoma City, Okla.

top 10 job cities oklahoma city
  • Number of job openings: 16,759
  • Median base salary: $38,100
  • Median home value: $129,400

Oklahoma City gets good grades for job satisfaction and affordable housing, with the median home valued at 3.4 times the median salary.

The state government and the University of Oklahoma are major employers in the city, but it's also known as a center for aerospace and energy jobs.

Among companies actively hiring there are Chesapeake Energy Corp. and OGE Energy, according to Glassdoor. So, too, is payroll and HR software provider Paycom.

Positions waiting to be filled by companies that do business there include software engineers, project managers and business analysts.

First published May 19, 2015: 11:15 AM ET

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