4. Austin, Texas

top 10 job cities austin
  • Number of job openings: 33,198
  • Median base salary: $50,000
  • Median home value: $226,400

Employers in Austin on the hunt for new hires include Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts and grocer HEB, which is short for "Here Everything is Better."

That jibes with the city's relatively high job satisfaction rating and hiring opportunity score from Glassdoor.

Software engineers, user-experience (or UX) designers and customer service representatives are just some of the job seekers who will find current openings in the city.

Major employers include the state government of Texas, the University of Texas at Austin and Dell. The city is also home to the headquarters of Whole Foods Market.

First published May 19, 2015: 11:15 AM ET

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