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World's Top Employers for New Grads

For an exclusive CNNMoney list, research firm Universum Global surveyed business students at colleges around the world to see where they most want to work.

23.  Deutsche Bank

gallery top grad employers

Starting off in banking can be intimidating, but Deutsche Bank makes it much less intimidating. New hires across the globe attend a training orientation all together, so they get a chance to network and learn with people from all of the bank's offices worldwide.

They also take part in fun team training exercises, according to the company. One example: The bank runs a session where recent graduates work together in teams to simulate running a bank. The point is to get them to understand how it all works, and that it requires a lot of connectivity and team work. This also helps illuminate how a recent grad's own role fits into the larger picture.

  @emilyjanefox - Last updated July 02 2015 10:35 AM ET

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