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Stressful jobs that pay badly

For veterinary assistants, drug counselors and sous chefs, a day on the job involves a whole lot of stress ... and not a lot of pay. Here are 15 of the most overworked and underpaid professions, according to PayScale.

Daycare teacher

  • Median pay: $28,100
  • % who say their job is stressful: 69%

Changing diapers, wiping noses and dealing with literal temper tantrums is all par for the course for daycare teachers.

Dealing with infants through 5-year-olds is a physically and emotionally demanding job, and that's without the helicopter parents who want to make sure that junior's experience is perfect.

Daycare teachers need to come up with new activities and projects to keep the kids happy and busy throughout the day.

"The most stressful part is trying to get them to want to learn and figuring out new and creative ways to engage their attention," says Saniye Reyhan, a daycare teacher in Little Angels Family Day Care in Green Brook, N.J.

While the cost of daycare for parents is skyrocketing to more than the cost of in-state college in many areas, the pay for the daycare teachers on the front lines has not kept up. Median pay is just $28,100 per year, according to Payscale.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated January 03 2018 02:11 PM ET

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