Taking to the road

retire your way william desevo
  • Name(s): William DeSevo
  • Age(s): 63
  • Now lives in: Allen, Texas

Along with his wife, William DeSevo has been road tripping through much of his retirement.

From their home in Allen, Texas, the couple has driven to places like Taos, New Mexico, Key West, Florida and Savannah, Georgia.

Up next: Yosemite National Park in California and Zion National Park in Utah.

Retired since 2014, DeSevo worked as a technical writer for 40 years.

He's always put away money, but he was really able to jumpstart his savings in 1988. That's when he was laid off and collected a $100,000 severance check.

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At other jobs, he always contributed at least 10% of his paycheck to his 401(k). And despite some boom and bust years, when he was ready to retire, the retirement savings had grown to more than seven figures.

"I thought a beach would be involved somehow in my retirement. But all in all, not so bad so far," DeSevo said.

First published March 23, 2015: 10:35 AM ET

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