Which social network is best for your business?

Almost 75% of small businesses use social media, but do they use it correctly? Here's a rundown of the top 6 sites and how best to use them.


small business social pinterest

What it is: A place to create and share links centered around visual themes.

Best business use: Promoting your brand to a female-skewed audience.

Who should use it: Retailers, manufacturers and travel sites whose brands lend themselves to images.

How to maximize your reach: Use good SEO practices when titling your boards and filling out pins and descriptions. "Social media sites are search engines -- people go to the search boxes and type things in," said Heather Lutze, author of Thumbonomics: The Essential Business Roadmap to Social Media & Mobile Marketing. "It's important to name your boards with phrases people will search for."

Lutze also recommends regularly checking Google Trends: If people are searching for something related to your business or industry, create a board or pins around the topic.

How not to use it: Keep personal pins highlighting your favorite books, fashion, and travel photos separate from those linking to your company's URL, said Lutze, although it's OK for both business and personal boards to reside in the same profile. Never use copyrighted pictures to create pins.

  @CNNMoney - Last updated October 30 2013 03:39 PM ET

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